Endofeminina 2023 and the debate on women’s health

Posted February 9, 2023

It is time to prepare yourself to participate in the 19th edition of the Women’s Endocrinology Meeting (Encontro de Endocrinologia Feminina), known as Endofeminina, a time for scientific debates involving all areas related to female hormones.

This year’s edition will have a hybrid format, which showed to be an excellent alternative to broaden the debate and the participation of health professionals from several regions of the country, if they were unable to be present in Porto Alegre, at Hotel Plaza São Rafael. Those registered for the event will also be able to review the content for one month after the end of the event.

The scientific schedule was distributed throughout two entire days, starting at 8:30 a.m. There will be almost 30 speakers, who will address the different stages of women’s life and the impact of hormones on their body. Among the speakers invited, there will be four international participations: Drs. Alejandra Elisalde Cremonte, Mabel Martino, and Doris Rodríguez Vidal, from Argentina, and Milagros Sánchez Torrejón, from Peru.

Main updates in the area of climacteric, hormone therapy in menopause, contraception, endometriosis, sexuality, polycystic ovaries, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, endocrine disruptors, aging, osteoporosis, and transgenderism are included in the schedule, which can already be accessed in full on the event’s website.

At the end of the first day, Dr. Poli Mara Spritzer will pay a tribute to Dr. Marcello Bronstein, endocrinologist and former editor-in-chief of Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, who passed away at the end of last year. He was a speaker in most editions of Endofeminina since 2006 and will be acknowledged for all his contribution to the event. Dr. Spritzer will bring back the memories of these moments and it will surely be a very emotional time for everybody. Afterwards, Dr. Andrea Glezer will give a lecture on Hyperprolactinemia in the different stages of women’s life.

Registration and Deadlines

Scientific paper may be submitted up to March 10th, and submission guidelines are available at www.endofeminina.com.br .

Endofeminina 2023 is held by the Gynecological Endocrinology Unit of the Endocrinology Service at Hospital das Clínicas de Porto Alegre (RS) and is supported by several entities, such as INCT Hormona, Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism (Rio Grande do Sul’s Division), FAPERGS, Brazilian Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Associations, and Latin American Association of Gynecological Endocrinology.