2021 Online Endofeminina
Posted July 1st, 2021
Held in the 100% virtual format for the first time, 2021 Endofeminina gathered, for two days of meetings, renowned names from national and international endocrinology to address the most recent topics related to women’s hormone health.
Organized by the Ginecological Endocrinology Unit and by Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (RS), the 17th edition of the event was headed by the general coordinator of INCT Hormona, Dr. Poli Mara Spritzer.
According to the endocrinologist, the digital meeting allowed for many learning and updated experiences. “As usual, the schedule of the event was focused on advances, challenges, and updates on relevant topics for women’s endocrinology, always based on scientific evidence,” the specialist said.
There were around 20 hours of activities, with the participation of 389 registered people from Brazilian 24 states. All presentations were recorded and made available to registered participants shortly after the respective presentations. Those who missed the registration deadline and could not join real-time activities will have access to the entire recorded material. There was also the participation of the head of Brazilian Society of Endocrinology and Metabology, Dr. Cesar Boguszewski.
Highlights of the Event Schedule
The scientific schedule included the main topics related to women’s health, not only in clinical practice but also in the latest advances in the research area.
The international guest Dr. Anne Gompel, from Université Paris-Descartes (France) presented the conference entitled “Hormones and breast cancer – State of the art,” in which she addressed evidence and recent studies on the relationship between breast cancer and hormone therapy in menopause. Earlier, the specialist had participated in the Symposium Challenges in Contraception, with the theme “Contraception in survivors of breast/gynecological cancer.”
In turn, the Coordinator of Centro INCT Hormona – Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), Dr. Luis Bahamondes, raised the question on the use of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARC). The specialist presented data showing that, in Brazil, 55% of pregnancies are unplanned, which generates a high cost for the public sector “In 2014, the cost of each unintended pregnancy reached a thousand dollars, that is, using a long-acting contraceptive method saves much money,” he stated.
Within the Symposium “Treatment of 21-hydroxylase deficiency and polycystic ovary syndrome: current evidence and perspectives,” the general coordinator of Hormona, Dr. Poli Mara Spritzer, presented the topic: Therapeutic Options in hyperandrogenism in women with PCOS. The specialist emphasized the approach of these patients and treatment indications for specific cases.
In the same Symposium, the deputy general coordinator and coordinator of Centro INCT Hormona – Universidade de São Paulo Campus de Ribeirão Preto, Dr. Rui Ferriani, addressed the management of infertility in women with PCOS. The specialist discussed the treatment possibilities in two situations: patients who are on regular use of hormonal contraception and attend the doctor’s office to ask how show they proceed; and patients who are trying to get pregnant and are failing.
In the Symposium “Stress, reproduction, and sexual function,” the coordinator of Centro INCT Hormona – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Dr. Fernando Marcos dos Reis, presented the topic “Stress and endometriosis: cause or consequence?” The specialist highlighted that women with endometriosis have a higher prevalence of stress and greater severity of stress than other groups of the same age and similar conditions. “Stress intensity is related to pain intensity, disease extent, and adaptation factors,” he said.
The last activity of 2021Endofeminina was granting awards for the best three submitted studies.
Please find the winners below:
1st place – Resistência à insulina na peri e pós-menarca em meninas de duas capitais do norte e sul do Brasil – Authors: Ivanice Fernandes Barcellos Gemelli,Thais Rasia Silva,Edson dos Santos Farias,Maria Teresa Anselmo Olinto ,Poli Mara Spritzer
2nd place – MicroRNAs e seus potenciais genes-alvo em vias biológicas relacionadas a fisiopatologia da Pré-eclâmpsia – Authors: Graziele Pimentel Coelho Almeida, Izabela Mamede Costa Andrade da Conceição, João Rafael Gonçalves Pereira, Karina Braga Gomes, Marcelo Rizzatti Luizon
3rd place – Efeitos de uma teleintervenção em desfechos de saúde mental em uma coorte de mulheres com diabetes mellitus durante a pandemia de COVID-19 – Authors: Janine Alessi,Giovana Berger de Oliveira,Alice Scalzilli Becker,Carolina Padilla Knijnik,Gabriel Luiz Kobe,Bibiana Amaral,Gabriela Heiden Teló,Beatriz D. Schaan
All posters are available in the area providing access to the event.
Registration to access the recorded lessons (available up to July 30th): https://fundacaomedica2.hcpa.ufrgs.br/eventos/listarevento.aspx?2288